Sharjah Stories

Al-Majaz Waterfront!

Written by Mustafa | 15 Dec

Celebrated photographer Mustafa (@mustu.cyc) explains why this glorious boulevard by the water is a haven for families, foodies, and F1 fans alike.

Al-Majaz Waterfront! In the midst of the busy life of the third largest and third most populous city in the United Arab Emirates- Sharjah. We have Al-Majaz Waterfront, where the glamorous Arabian Gulf is in sight and you can witness the beauties that land and ocean have to offer.

It proves to be a place for both, adults and children, by providing us with a variety of cuisines and fun filled activities. Al-Majaz has an array of restaurants ranging from fine dining to casual dining all with the aim of satisfying their guests - including Tim Hortons, Pizzaro, Shakespeare and co, Emigran Sutis Restaurants - which not only provides you with a clean environment, but also delicious food. Moreover, it provides you with dessert franchises like Cold Stone and Dunkin Donuts that will help cool you down with refreshing desserts and mouth-watering delicacies.

Al-Majaz is a fantastic spot for families. You can take your family out on any day of the week and receive the same top quality services. Spend quality time with loved ones on the family train and enjoy bike rides along the waterfront. Relax while sipping coffee and soaking in the Vitamin D.

There is a mini splash park for children with temperature-controlled water, that will surely put a smile on their faces. Adding to that, the waterfront also has an indoor fun-filled activity center for both adults and children. From the messy art loving kids to the articulate science children. It is equipped with reading rooms, computer labs and also art and crafts. Let your child loose and have fun in the Al Majaz play area which is equipped with everything from a carousel, amusement rides to a ball pit.  There are also activity centers, which can be hired for parties and special events. Al-Majaz Waterfront also provides you with a peaceful and sophisticated environment for business meetings and formal luncheons.

You can finish off your day by watching the Sharjah musical fountain, witness the dancing lights and the bubbly water come into synchronization and bounce to the beat just for you and the best part!? It’s all easily accessible in the middle of the Al Majaz Waterfront!

On top of all of those reasons to visit the location, Al-Majaz is the best place to become part of the F1H20 excitement, 17 to 21 December 2019 sees the Emirate of Sharjah hosting the F1H2O World Championship for the 20th year running, and the UIM-ABP Aquabike World Championship for the 5th year. These races which attract the world’s leading powerboat and aqua bike drivers are sports that have to be seen to be believed. The exciting and competitive event, Formula 1 powerboat racing provides the ultimate adrenaline rush. This year, for the first time, the Sharjah Team will be entering the race. The UIM-ABP Aquabike World Championship is the most acclaimed aqua bike race, and one of the fastest and most dangerous sports on water.

Visit Al-Majaz Waterfront to enjoy an all-round experience, with activities to suit all the family and everyone’s budget because quality is what counts at Al Majaz Waterfront.